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Consultation Notice
Consultation Notice on the proposed Admission Arrangements for 2025/26 – Huyton with Roby CE Primary School, Rupert Road, Huyton, L36 9TF.
This is a Consultation Notice in respect of Admission Arrangements. When the consultation is complete all submitted comments will be considered at a Governors’ meeting and only then will a decision be made and communicated.
A copy of the proposed admissions policy is below.
Any written comments should be sent to Chair of Governors at Huyton with Roby Primary School, by:
- email to: huytonwithroby@ldst.org.uk including the words ‘Admissions Consultation’ in the title.
- Post to Huyton with Roby Primary school, Rupert Road, Huyton, L36 9TF.
The consultation period is open from 27th October to 8th December 2023 and comments should be submitted in writing no later than 8th December 2023. Following the consultation period all submitted comments will be considered at a governors’ meeting and the final arrangements agreed at that meeting will be published on the school website after 28 February 2024.
School Health Support
If parents have any concerns, you can complete this online parent request for support form:
This week in Picture News (27.1.23)
This week we were excited to think about the popular drink, Prime! We thought about social influencers and discussed the following questions:
Who has a strong influence on you? Why?
Which social influencers do you know? Why do you think so many people choose to follow them?
What qualities and values would you like to influence others with?
We wondered if perhaps Jesus is the greatest social influencer of all time. The Picture News information reminded us:
‘We can choose the people we want to listen to, be influenced by and follow. Thinking about the qualities and values that matter to us and how we want to live our lives can help us do this. Jesus always set a good example. When he told others to do something, such as to love each other, he did it himself. He asks his followers to do the right thing.’
You might like to use the following prayer at home as you continue the discussion centred around the Gospel Value of Wisdom:
Dear God,
Thank you for the freedom to make our own choices.
Help us to make choices that show kindness, forgiveness, compassion and love.
Help us to follow those who influence us positively and to know we have the power to use our positive influence on others too.
Members of our Collective Worship Committee had the pleasure of showing Canon Geoff Almond around school
Isabelle, Aaron, Lily and Adam from our Collective Worship Committee had the pleasure of showing Canon Geoff Almond around school in January. Geoff is the Chair of the Diocesan Board of Education, and was invited to School by Mr Bradbury, our Chair of Governors. The children were delighted to receive this card in the post which shows how much he enjoyed his visit, and how well our children were able to explain what is distinctively Christian about our School. Well done!
Parents’ Prayer Meeting
Our first Parents and Carers’ Prayer Meeting was a success! We met together, led by Reverend Kate, and prayed for our children, the teachers, families and everyone connected to our school. Rev Kate shared the LDST Trust prayer with us, which we found really helpful and inspiring. We finished by saying the Lord’s Prayer together.
This week’s Picture News (20.1.23)
This week in Picture News we thought about the question: Do we throw things away too easily?
Our discussions touched on reusing, repairing, and upcycling items, instead of throwing them away. We found out about the upcycling shop, the Repair Café in Wales. This café believes that because of the cost of living crisis, people are making the most of what they already have.
During our Class-Based Worship we also talked about how Jesus shows His followers that, as well as repairing and restoring items, we can repair and restore relationships. We were very glad to think about Jesus’ death and resurrection: forgiveness and fresh starts are on offer for us all.
You might like to continue the discussion at home and use the prayer we prayed:
Think about some of the items you have at home or in school that may be in need of repair or restoration.
Are some easier to fix than others? Why?
Do you think when friendships become damaged, some are more tricky to fix than others?
Discuss what you might need to fix a damaged friendship e.g., forgiveness, honesty, trust, hope.
Dear God,
Thank you for giving us hope and the possibility of a new start.
Sorry for any damage we may have caused in the past.
Help us to see the possibilities in everything around us so that we can repair and restore.
This week in Picture News (13.1.23)
This week in Picture News we talked about Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix, who has been named as a BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year finalist. Andrea trains intensely, managing her school studies alongside her training.
Here are the discussion questions we used:
- Have you ever felt worried or nervous about anything e.g., a test, going to a party on your own, falling out with a friend?
- Can you think of a time when lots of things were worrying you and you were struggling to cope?
- Discuss some ways we might manage stress or pressure e.g., talking to someone, taking a break, getting enough sleep, exercising, writing things down.
You might like to continue the discussion at home and use the prayer we prayed:
Dear God, Give us the wisdom to recognise when we may be feeling pressured and stressed; Give us the wisdom to make changes or ask for help; Help us recognise when others may need our help. Thank you for always being there and for giving us strength. Amen
Trust Prayer
Just to update you that the process we all took part in regarding the new Trust Prayer has concluded with a really thoughtful and meaningful new prayer. I have attached it and it really captures all that was contributed from the wide-ranging Trust members. Please use this in your family and in your own prayer life.