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Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 class page. Here you will find information about our classroom routines and a few snapshots of the wonderful things we do in Year 5. There are two Year Five classes: 5A and 5D. Year 5 teachers are Mrs Allerston and Mrs Duffy

Our Classrooms


Reading in Year Five

We bring our reading book and journal into school every day, to be checked, and it will be changed on a regular basis when necessary.  The children should read each night as part of their homework but an adult should hear them read, adding a short comment and initial, 3 times a week

Homework in Year Five

Weekly homework activities include:

  1. Reading Plus or IDL tasks online (they have their own logins)
  2. Weekly spellings (set on Monday with a test on Friday)
  3. Reading their school reading book each day for at least 5-10 minutes
  4. TTRockstars (times tables practice for 5 mins) or other maths related activities

If your child cannot remember their log-on details, please message their class teacher on Class Dojo.

On occasion, there may be other homework activities linked to topics or other subjects e.g. researching castles in History as a half term project.

Here is the link to the key words that the children need to learn to read, spell and use by the end of the year:

Year 5 Common Exception Words

PE Days in Year Five

For the first half term, our PE will be on a Friday and the children will need to come to school in their PE kits for the day.

For indoor PE, they should wear a white t-shirt, white / dark shorts and black pumps

For outdoor PE, they can wear a dark jumper / hooded top and tracksuit bottoms / joggers along with a pair of trainers.

Learning in Year Five

For information on other areas of the children’s learning in Year 5, please see the relevant subject areas on the curriculum tab to view knowledge organisers etc.

Photos and updates of their work and learning activities will also be posted on class story in dojo for each class.


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