This week in Picture News (13.1.23)
This week in Picture News we talked about Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix, who has been named as a BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year finalist. Andrea trains intensely, managing her school studies alongside her training.
Here are the discussion questions we used:
- Have you ever felt worried or nervous about anything e.g., a test, going to a party on your own, falling out with a friend?
- Can you think of a time when lots of things were worrying you and you were struggling to cope?
- Discuss some ways we might manage stress or pressure e.g., talking to someone, taking a break, getting enough sleep, exercising, writing things down.
You might like to continue the discussion at home and use the prayer we prayed:
Dear God, Give us the wisdom to recognise when we may be feeling pressured and stressed; Give us the wisdom to make changes or ask for help; Help us recognise when others may need our help. Thank you for always being there and for giving us strength. Amen