Reading in Year Four
We bring our reading books into school every day and we change our books regularly. An adult should listen to us read every night at home as part of our homework. We also complete Reading Plus as part of our homework each week.
Homework in Year Four
You will receive homework every Monday. It should be returned by the following Monday. This will usually be work to complete online or on Google Classroom.
Spellings will be given out on a Monday and the children will be tested on these on a Friday. We encourage the children to access EdShed to practise the weekly spelling rule.
We also expect you to practise your timestables each week on TTRockstars. Watch out for battles with each other or with other year groups!
PE Days in Year Four
We do PE on a Tuesday, although this may change throughout the year. Please come into school in your PE kit each week. When it is cooler you can wear tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a jumper/hoodie.