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Year 1

Welcome to our Year 1 class page.  Here you will find information about our classroom routines and a few snapshots of the wonderful things we do in Year 1.  There are two Year one classes – 1R and 1S. Year 1 teachers are Miss McGinley and Mrs Rigby

Our Classrooms


Reading in Year One

Children are allocated a day to have their book changed and should always have their books in school on this day. It is useful for them to bring their books to school each day as we will also read with the children as and when we can.  Parents need to comment in their reading record each time they read at home. 

Children will also receive a phonics reading book which needs to come back to school as soon as they have read it. The book will come home on a Friday and be returned on a Monday. 

Homework in Year One

Year 1 children will be sent home with handwriting homework when it is appropriate.  This is usually in the spring term. 

PE Days in Year One

Keep an eye out on your class dojo page for the announcement of P.E days, these are likely to change each half term. Children should come to school dressed in their P.E kit on PE days.


Year One Curriculum



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